Abuse and Trauma
Abuse can come in many forms and you deserve to live free of that physical or emotional pain.
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Abuse and trauma
Being a victim of abuse or trauma, or witnessing abuse or trauma is life-changing, shattering your feelings of safety and trust, and giving rise to feelings of helplessness and vulnerability.
Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by one-time events, a series of events, or even stress that does not relent. Experiencing a natural disaster that threatened your life, a significant injury, surgery, the unexpected death of a loved one, or a violent attack are all examples of traumatic events. Living with a chronic disease, growing up in an abusive household, or experiencing war are examples of ongoing, unrelenting trauma. Abuse can include physical, sexual, and mental violence, sexual assault, rape, incest, child molestation, and sexual coercion that is non-consensual.
Common themes in abuse and trauma include:
- It occurred in childhood
- It happened over and over
- It wasn’t expected
- You were not prepared for it
- It threatened your health, safety and life
- You were powerless to prevent it

Being a victim of abuse or trauma, or witnessing abuse or trauma is life-changing, shattering your feelings of safety and trust, and giving rise to feelings of helplessness and vulnerability.
Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by one-time events, a series of events, or even stress that does not relent. Experiencing a natural disaster that threatened your life, a significant injury, surgery, the unexpected death of a loved one, or a violent attack are all examples of traumatic events. Living with a chronic disease, growing up in an abusive household, or experiencing war are examples of ongoing, unrelenting trauma. Abuse can include physical, sexual, and mental violence, sexual assault, rape, incest, child molestation, and sexual coercion that is non-consensual.
Common themes in abuse and trauma include:
- It occurred in childhood
- It happened over and over
- It wasn’t expected
- You were not prepared for it
- It threatened your health, safety and life
- You were powerless to prevent it
Everyone responds differently to difficult or traumatic experiences. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to respond; rather, how you respond is normal given an abnormal event or experience. Each victim has a unique emotional and psychological reaction that may include humiliation, guilt, fear, feeling a loss of control, depression, and grief. Associated behaviors might include social isolation, self-harm, addiction, and anger.
While abuse and trauma are life-changing, recovery is possible. Our Healthwise team can help you process your feelings and offer the support you need to heal and feel whole again. Our abuse and trauma therapy approaches include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or talk therapy
- Post-traumatic stress therapy
- Exposure therapy
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR)
- Integrative therapies
- Family therapy
- Marriage counseling
- Wellness counseling
- Support groups
For more information about counseling services for PTSD issues in Maple Grove, please contact us.
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Innovative approach to healthcare
Our mind-body studio brings an innovative approach to healthcare. One that welcomes an exploration of other complimentary modalities for improving emotional health and well-being.
As we recognize that for some "getting out of our head" can be a challenge we also understand doing just that can help us to make that vital connection with ourselves. A connection that can often result in creating the real and deep changes we crave.